Here are a range of references from church and ministry leaders. At the heart of all CSA (UK) do is to Equip, Train, Encourage and Release everyone into the fullness of their own destiny. We host Revival Meetings, Conferences and are open to invitations to share in UK and Europe.

“Sue Davies is true blue to the call of God on her life. She is a radical believer, excellent expounder of the Word, committed minister of the presence of the Lord, and devoted spokesman of the graces found in Christ.”
– Patricia King (XP Ministries)

“Sue Davies is a passionate servant of the Lord who has impeccable character. She is highly gifted moving in a high level of prophecy. Sue is also anointed to teach, train and impart her gifting to the body of Christ.
Kathy and I whole heartily recommend the ministry of Sue Davies, and we have extended an open invitation to have her us join us at King of Glory Ministries International in ministry everywhere she is available. Sue will be a blessing to all those who receive her unique gifting into their ministry.”
– Kevin & Kathy Basconi (King Of Glory Ministries)

“Sue has a desire to see people released to engage the Glory realms of heaven. This is the message that she carries and seeks by way of teaching and through impartation to enable people to hear from heaven and release what they receive on the Earth. Sue comes with our recommendation.”
– Trevor & Sharon Baker (Revival Fires)

“I have known Sue since December 1993. For several years I was in the same church as Sue, and I led the home-group that she attended. At that time she was moving in the prophetic. She then moved up to Dudley, where she trained and built a ministry team, and led the team for several years with great fruitfulness. I went to conferences in Dudley many times, and was impressed with the integrity, love and unity of the team.
Sue then travelled with Patricia King for several months over a two year period, which allowed her to grow much more in the prophetic anointing. Now she has moved back to Devon and God is unfolding the destiny on her life. Sue is a very anointed Lady, with many strings to her bow. She has great wisdom and she is a powerful prophetess, and I commend her to you.”
– Andrew Pearkes (Exeter)